Philippine customs for weddings

Marriage Customs in Europe
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5 de December de 2023

From pre-colonial indigenous rites to Catholic, Chinese, and Muslim cultures, Philippine marriage customs are a lovely fusion of native and foreign influences. Nevertheless, despite having a variety of causes, love and commitment are the central themes in all Filipino wedding festivities.

A conventional Filipino wedding, such as the pamanhikan, in which the groom’s family pays the bride a visit to formally beg for her hand in marriage, was an extravaganza of folk rituals that took place longer before Spain colonized the Philippines. A babaylan may thank the lovers on the first day by holding their joined fingertips over a dish of rice After that, the pair went back to their arbor and enjoyed a delicious feast there until the next day.

The majority of people in the Philippines still practice pamanhikan practices today, but they do so with a more contemporary flair. To the babaylan’s home, the bride and groom may be led on individual processions while frequently carrying foods or plants as presents. The couple likely next kiss and hug each other as the babaylan prays over the rice dish.

The newlyweds will usually obtain a kalamay shower( a dish of sticky wheat sweets) from their friends during the reception. The grain serves as a reminder of their vow to remain united throughout their marriage. Additionally, it serves as a means of expressing gratitude to their loved ones and friends for their assistance with the wedding festivities.

The newlyweds will then typically dance during the money dance, also known as” the dollar dance.” The bride and groom’s friends and family gather in sherengas during this time to waltz with them while having expenses pinned or taped to their clothing. The sum of cash raised represents their gifts and best intentions for the brides.

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